(via TheShopkeeper on DeviantArt.... yes, if you must know, I love that site. The fanart is both awesome and hilarious. Except some of the slashes. Like Cephalic Carnage's video for "Ohrwurm", that is seen cannot be unseen.)
Although there are some old movies for The Hobbit, I'm holding out for the new movie coming out next year.
(current logo, via Wikipedia)
Yes, I'll have to wait a while to see it, but I've waited for many a movie to be released.
In the meantime, I've started reading The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder.
I have no idea what it's about, as I bought it my freshmen year of high school while in my Ancient Egyptian phase. It has been sitting in my closet all this time, waiting to be read. I am obliged.
After this, I plan to go old school horror with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, but that all depends on my mood when I get there.
As my list of books to read grows ever longer (I added at least ten more books yesterday), do you guys have any suggestions for me? Maybe another graphic novel or some non Stephen King (not that I don't like him; I'm pretty sure all of his books I either own or are on my list) horror I can sink my teeth into? What are you reading at the moment?
Well, if you must know I am currently reading the Pretty Little Liars series. I just started on the first book on Tuesday and I am now reading the second book. The first book was good, but if you've ever seen the television series you will realize that the first book is only about the first few episodes. When I figured this out I was very disappointed because my goal is to finish all the books before the tv series ends(I really want to know what happens.) I think you would enjoy this book, then again, maybe not. :) Anyways, I think you would also enjoy Thirteen Reasons Why and Camilla. If you decide to read these books just let me know and you can borrow them. TooDaLoo -theVITTLEmaster