Monday, June 20, 2011

2011 Summer Roadtrip: Day 11

Today we made it to Hershey, PA, the most chocolatey place in the world. In all reality, not much happened. We saw a 3D movie, made our own chocolate bars (the bottom picture), toured a museum where I designed my own Hershey's wrapper (the top picture), and wondered if the Amish knew anything about Bigfoot...

Oh, and I've also decided to christen myself an honorary Cherokee Indian (because you can so totally do that). I shall call myself Little Crazy Horse.

Meanwhile, my family is seriously considering having me committed to an asylum.

EDIT: Upon the discovery of Ryan Dunn's death (as I am not far from the site where it happened), my most sincere prayers go out to his friends and family.

Eius anima requiscat in pace.

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