Halloween is officially over. There's decorations to take down, costumes to put away, and it's back to focusing on the school work I've been slightly neglecting. *sigh*
I must admit, I had a grand old time scaring people at the bridge last night, and even joined forces with another group with the same intentions to frighten people. Needless to say, my sinuses now hate me, but that's the small price to pay for wonderful, ghoulish memories.
To ease myself out of the Halloween mood, tonight I'm attempting to watch All The King's Men (2006). It's been in my queue for about a month now, so I feel it's time to get to it.
Alright, alright, you got me. Honestly, the only reason I am watching this is because I know Jackie Earle Haley plays a small part in it, and he's slowly turning into one of my favorite actors. I'm not big on political films. Although I did find Frost/Nixon surprisingly good.
Anyone else feeling the effects of Halloween ending? Anyone already planning for next year?
Today is All Saints' Day. My saint of choice for this year is Saint Patrick.